Scitech Arabia Company LLC - Doha, Qatar
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Company name
Scitech Arabia Company LLC
P.O.Box 8359, Doha, Qatar
Contact number
(00974) 4434140 (3 lines)
(00974) 4434148
Website address
Establishment year
1980E-mail address
Company description
SciTech Arabia was established in 1980 as a Distribution Company by Mr. Ali Bin Nasser Al-Misnad a well-known Qatari Businessman and the chairman of the company, under able leadership of Mr.Surinder Samudre and Mr.Hassan Kunhi with the objective to cater to the fledgling Health and industrial sector in the State of Qatar.
The invaluable experience and expertise of its staff and management has helped the company provide a personalized service to all its customers. With its worldwide connections and resources, SciTech Arabia offers a standard of service comparable to any multinational company. The company has weathered all storms since the company's inception and clearly steered the business to its present success. As a Company we have years of unblemished track record and have garnered
In year 2000 SciTech Arabia has diversified into pharmaceutical business. Hala Pharmacy, Sheehana Pharmacy, Home Pharmacy Corniche Pharmacy and Freedom pharmacy are some of the established pharmacies in Doha owned and managed by SciTech Arabia
And today, we are one of the renowned companies which specializes in the distribution of all kinds of Medical Products, Laboratory Equipments and consumables, Industrial Equipment and Pharmaceuticals, to the Governmental and Private Institutions in Qatar. SciTech Arabia has undertaken aggressive expansion plans that will spread its already strong presence regionally. Its objective is to expand upon its remarkable Qatar growth and to be the successful link to regional markets of the Middle East, Africa, and Near East Asia for many of its principal companies. From its Doha base it will manage the regional marketing and distribution for its many represented manufacturers.
The invaluable experience and expertise of its staff and management has helped the company provide a personalized service to all its customers. With its worldwide connections and resources, SciTech Arabia offers a standard of service comparable to any multinational company. The company has weathered all storms since the company's inception and clearly steered the business to its present success. As a Company we have years of unblemished track record and have garnered
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valuable experience in the Qatar market. Our professional strength lies in achieving our set goals and striving towards Customer satisfaction.In year 2000 SciTech Arabia has diversified into pharmaceutical business. Hala Pharmacy, Sheehana Pharmacy, Home Pharmacy Corniche Pharmacy and Freedom pharmacy are some of the established pharmacies in Doha owned and managed by SciTech Arabia
And today, we are one of the renowned companies which specializes in the distribution of all kinds of Medical Products, Laboratory Equipments and consumables, Industrial Equipment and Pharmaceuticals, to the Governmental and Private Institutions in Qatar. SciTech Arabia has undertaken aggressive expansion plans that will spread its already strong presence regionally. Its objective is to expand upon its remarkable Qatar growth and to be the successful link to regional markets of the Middle East, Africa, and Near East Asia for many of its principal companies. From its Doha base it will manage the regional marketing and distribution for its many represented manufacturers.
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