Computer Arabia WLL - Doha, Qatar
Leading provider of IT solutions in Qatar.
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Company name
Computer Arabia WLL
Al Arabi Sports Club, P.O.Box 2750, Doha, Qatar
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Working hours
- Monday: ٨:٠٠ص - ٨:٠٠مقد تختلف الساعات
- Tuesday: ٨:٠٠ص - ٨:٠٠م
- Wednesday: ٨:٠٠ص - ٨:٠٠م
- Thursday: ٨:٠٠ص - ٨:٠٠م
- Friday: مغلق - مغلق
- Saturday: ٨:٠٠ص - ٨:٠٠م
- Sunday: ٨:٠٠ص - ٨:٠٠م
Establishment year
11-50E-mail address
Company description
Computer Arabia was one of the first computer companies in Qatar established in 1979 and is today Qatar's leading business organization in computer and related technologies.
To create the most cost-effective system that meets client requirements, Computer Arabia uses a tried and tested formula of consultancy, in-depth analysis, design, development and implementation. It has a track record of many successful system installations, including Universities, government departments, Banks, major multinational organizations, high end trading houses, the armed forces and newspaper organizations. With such a diverse satisfied customer base, the company has developed varied skills and capabilities to solve any information technology related problems. This involves several factors. First and most
Computer Arabia promotes the following values:-
Customers are the driving force
People are our strength
Quality is in every aspect
Innovation fuels our future
Accountability brings clarity
Integrity underpins everything
To create the most cost-effective system that meets client requirements, Computer Arabia uses a tried and tested formula of consultancy, in-depth analysis, design, development and implementation. It has a track record of many successful system installations, including Universities, government departments, Banks, major multinational organizations, high end trading houses, the armed forces and newspaper organizations. With such a diverse satisfied customer base, the company has developed varied skills and capabilities to solve any information technology related problems. This involves several factors. First and most
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important, people. Computer Arabia has capable staff for computer consultancy, Software Development and Hardware Maintenance. All are well qualified, backed by a continuous programme of on-the-job training, and have many years of experience in their respective fields. The often found current practice of selling "cardboard boxes" is certainly a philosophy that is shunned by Computer Arabia and concentrate on after sales support.Computer Arabia promotes the following values:-
Customers are the driving force
People are our strength
Quality is in every aspect
Innovation fuels our future
Accountability brings clarity
Integrity underpins everything
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