Manco International (Almana Group) - Doha, Qatar

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Manco International (Almana Group)
Airport Road, Najma Intersection, Almana Tower 11th Floor, P.O.Box 15981, Doha, Qatar
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Company description
Qatar’s Leading EPC Contractor, Specializing in Serving the Oil and Gas Sector

Manco was established in 1970 to participate in and contribute to the industrial revolution and the economic growth in Qatar. Manco has operated under an ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Program since 1993, and was the first company in Qatar to get ISO accreditation. Our focus today is providing professional skills and services to the engineering industry in the fields of Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering.

In our line of business, it is imperative that our clients must be absolutely confident of our capabilities. Over the years, Manco has earned a trustworthy reputation for delivering on schedule and for maintaining absolute quality control at every stage: from engineering and procurement  
Show more through installation and commissioning.

As a major 'A' class contracting company, Manco maintains the engineering capability and our skilled and trained manpower can rise to any challenge in any field of construction, including oil and gas, petrochemical and fertilizer industries. Our clients are some of the most prestigious companies in the country.

Manco's key assets are its people and its equipment. Our dedicated staff has contributed to the success of the company with an unrelenting pursuit to achieve the best quality. Manco’s vast array of construction and erection equipment – multiple and various cranes, forklifts, generators, welding machines, air compressors, hydrotest pumps, steel cutters and benders, excavators, backhoes, bulldozers, concrete mixers, roller compactors, asphalt cutters, tractor/trailers, tankers, and much more. These allow us to efficiently manage large-scale projects. We employ the latest, innovative project management techniques and skilled manpower, to enhance our growth prospects and to gain the confidence and respect of our clients for optimum worth in our services.

Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

MANCO International General Contracting (WLL) is involved in the provision of total services in EPIC (Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning) within the Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and Civil Engineering disciplines and EPIC and manufacturing services in structural and steelworks.

The management and staff of MANCO are committed to implement and uphold an effective Health, Safety and Environment Management System in line with OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001: 2004 International Standard requirements, applicable legal and other requirements.

The Management of MANCO International General Contracting (WLL) understands, accepts and recognizes its obligations and responsibilities, to provide a safe and healthy working environment to ensure safe working conditions, by assessing and controlling HSE risks to prevent injury and ill health of all company employees (direct & indirect),visitors and continual improvement of Health, Safety and Environmental performance.

MANCO is committed to protect natural resources and prevent environment pollution by its operations at its work places by implementing effective Environmental Management System practices.

The organization will continuously allot time and enduring effort to educate, train and motivate each and every employee on work place safety and environmental awareness throughout their employment in the organization.

MANCO will monitor the effectiveness of Health, Safety and Environment Management System by reviewing and accomplishing our objectives. The Management of MANCO ensures this policy is communicated, understood, implemented and maintained throughout the organization and other interested parties.


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