Siemens WLL - Doha, Qatar
Global leader in engineering and technology solutions.
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Siemens WLL
5th Floor, Jaidah Square Building, Al Matar Street, PO Box 21757, Doha, Qatar
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Siemens Middle East provides advanced technology solutions across the entire electrification value chain with strong expertise in automation and digitalization to help its customers increase efficiency and create value.
The Middle East has been a key region for Siemens since the company first established an active presence here over 150 years ago. Since then, Siemens has continued to deliver advanced technology behind many of the region's key infrastructure projects, supporting the development of the entire region - from Libya in the west to Pakistan in the east, through North Africa, the Levant and the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC). We, at Siemens, remain steadfast in our commitment to be a technology partner to the Middle East and make meaningful contributions to the region’s
We are the proud technology partner to regional governments and businesses and, more importantly, a trusted employer and good corporate citizen in the Middle East. Responsible, excellent and innovative. These are the core values that drive Siemens both globally and in the regions in which the company operates.
Every day, people working here in the company’s respective business units and subsidiary operations contribute to the region's economic progress. The turnkey solutions Siemens offers are designed first and foremost to improve competitiveness and create value for our local stakeholders. More importantly, Siemens technology enhances the overall quality of peoples’ lives. Touching critical pillars of a society’s infrastructure, Siemens innovation and ingenuity is played out every day in different facets of daily life here in the region.
The Middle East has been a key region for Siemens since the company first established an active presence here over 150 years ago. Since then, Siemens has continued to deliver advanced technology behind many of the region's key infrastructure projects, supporting the development of the entire region - from Libya in the west to Pakistan in the east, through North Africa, the Levant and the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC). We, at Siemens, remain steadfast in our commitment to be a technology partner to the Middle East and make meaningful contributions to the region’s
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development.We are the proud technology partner to regional governments and businesses and, more importantly, a trusted employer and good corporate citizen in the Middle East. Responsible, excellent and innovative. These are the core values that drive Siemens both globally and in the regions in which the company operates.
Every day, people working here in the company’s respective business units and subsidiary operations contribute to the region's economic progress. The turnkey solutions Siemens offers are designed first and foremost to improve competitiveness and create value for our local stakeholders. More importantly, Siemens technology enhances the overall quality of peoples’ lives. Touching critical pillars of a society’s infrastructure, Siemens innovation and ingenuity is played out every day in different facets of daily life here in the region.
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