Teyseer Group of Companies - Doha, Qatar
Diversified investment and trading solutions provider.
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Company name
Teyseer Group of Companies
PO Box 1556, Doha, Qatar
Contact number
00974 44622633
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 7 AM - 4:30 PM
- Tuesday: 7 AM - 4:30 PM
- Wednesday: 7 AM - 4:30 PM
- Thursday: 7 AM - 4:30 PM
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 7 AM - 4:30 PM
- Sunday: 7 AM - 4:30 PM
Establishment year
1001-5000E-mail address
Company description
The sixteen companies within the TEYSEER Group largely operate in an autonomous manner.
Such as the competitiveness, capability and quality of product or service of each company that the protocol of positive discrimination for group company products or services rarely needs to be emphasized. The Group has evolved in such a way that many of its activities are highly complementary to each other. Indeed many of their external services were originally created to fulfil a real requirement within the Group because either some aspect, whether cost, quality, turn-round etc. was not available in the market place. It has been this entrepreneurial spirit that has resulted in them bringing new and innovative concepts to the Qatar market and success as market leaders in so many activities. Its
Behind this inter company harmony also lies a further level of corporate support, provided from the Group Headquarters in Doha. Here are the offices of the Chairman, other Directors and the Senior Management teams including Group Administration, Financial Control, Legal, Internal Audit and other departments committed to the smooth coordination and direction of over 3000 employees. To ensure full communication and control is maintained throughout the Group, the TEYSEER Group have invested in appropriate information technology based solutions which have resulted in enhanced user productivity and improved customer service.
A dedicated Information Technology Division has been created with responsibility to implement, maintain and support business applications, technology infrastructure and networks. This helps the Group in the successful conclusion of its objectives, improves competitiveness and business processes, provides accurate and up to the minute business information and analyses market trends. They have also been responsible for the successful computerization of all companies within the Group so that maximum compatibility can be maintained. This is a continuous process and as technology develops and provides proven benefits to meet increased business demands, TEYSEER is committed to its adoption.
Such as the competitiveness, capability and quality of product or service of each company that the protocol of positive discrimination for group company products or services rarely needs to be emphasized. The Group has evolved in such a way that many of its activities are highly complementary to each other. Indeed many of their external services were originally created to fulfil a real requirement within the Group because either some aspect, whether cost, quality, turn-round etc. was not available in the market place. It has been this entrepreneurial spirit that has resulted in them bringing new and innovative concepts to the Qatar market and success as market leaders in so many activities. Its
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customers and clients can reap the benefits of the economies of scale by the immense buying strength of the Group and be assured that their co-operative strength will solve any problem.Behind this inter company harmony also lies a further level of corporate support, provided from the Group Headquarters in Doha. Here are the offices of the Chairman, other Directors and the Senior Management teams including Group Administration, Financial Control, Legal, Internal Audit and other departments committed to the smooth coordination and direction of over 3000 employees. To ensure full communication and control is maintained throughout the Group, the TEYSEER Group have invested in appropriate information technology based solutions which have resulted in enhanced user productivity and improved customer service.
A dedicated Information Technology Division has been created with responsibility to implement, maintain and support business applications, technology infrastructure and networks. This helps the Group in the successful conclusion of its objectives, improves competitiveness and business processes, provides accurate and up to the minute business information and analyses market trends. They have also been responsible for the successful computerization of all companies within the Group so that maximum compatibility can be maintained. This is a continuous process and as technology develops and provides proven benefits to meet increased business demands, TEYSEER is committed to its adoption.
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