Fuego Digital Media - Doha, Qatar
Innovative digital marketing solutions for brands.
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Company name
Fuego Digital Media
Qatar Science and Technology Park Innovation Center 352 Education City, Doha
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
2009E-mail address
Company description
Fuego was among the first companies to join QSTP in 2008 and was the very first recipient of the QSTP Proof of Concept Fund (POC).
Fuego brought North American technology to Qatar and the Middle East and developed its own Content Management System (CMS) and Frameworks, that are localized to the region by focusing on the Arabic language. Fuego CMS in essence, is multi-site and multi-lingual, with an extensive range of built-in modules and features.
Since 2014, as other Open Source CMS products have become more stable, secure and mature, Fuego has adopted the Drupal CMS for most new sites and also does some development in other tools such as SiteFinity, Zoho and headless CMS products. Drupal offers many of the features required in Qatar such as mult-site and multi-lingual and Fuego extends the CMS tools including Drupal and Zoho to meet the remaining client needs.
Fuego brought North American technology to Qatar and the Middle East and developed its own Content Management System (CMS) and Frameworks, that are localized to the region by focusing on the Arabic language. Fuego CMS in essence, is multi-site and multi-lingual, with an extensive range of built-in modules and features.
Since 2014, as other Open Source CMS products have become more stable, secure and mature, Fuego has adopted the Drupal CMS for most new sites and also does some development in other tools such as SiteFinity, Zoho and headless CMS products. Drupal offers many of the features required in Qatar such as mult-site and multi-lingual and Fuego extends the CMS tools including Drupal and Zoho to meet the remaining client needs.
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